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Řecká vláda zakázala veškeré hraní her

Na nový zákon doplácejí především nevědomí turisté. Hraje-li někdo rád "hada" na svém telefonu a je přistižen, může zaplatit pokutu až do výše 75 tisíc eur, či jít na dobu jednoho roku do vězení.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

13. 12. 2002 17:43
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9. 9. 2002 19:04
no tak tohle je fakt masakr!! je to vubec mozne? nejak tomu ani nemohu uverit. Ale jestli je to pravda, Recko bude muset zakon zmenit, protoze omezuje zakladni lidska prava. Jinak co se tyce vymahatelnosti, tak to nikdo neukontroluje
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6. 9. 2002 19:16
Co na to Microsoft?
No jen aby nam nekrachl Microsoft, kdyz se zakazou hrat karty na PC (na to zatim neni treba Linuxy). A kdyz krachne Microsoft, nebude mit recti poslanci na cem psat debilni zakony, protoze instalaci Linuxu nezvladnou, a my jim to nenainstalujem.
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6. 9. 2002 11:48
ja se vratil z recka dneska v noci a musim rict ze ve VSECH hernach kde byly treba i kulecniky sou v provozu jenom neelektronicke hry a automaty stoji v koute, kde maji jenom aztomaty tak bylo zavreny vubec. v hotelu na balkonu sem si zahral hada a nic se me nestalo :). No aa na letisti meli snad vsecky decka gameboye hned vedel policajtu - ale mozna je nechali na pokoji ze to bylo uz v bezcelni zone .)
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5. 9. 2002 13:24
si to prectete kdyz tomu neverite
LAW NUMBER 3037 - 30 July 2002


The President of Greek Republic
We issue the following law which was voted by the Greek Parliament

Article 1
Game categories
According to notion of the commands of the current law:
a. Mechanical games are those, that depend on one's muscle force.
b. Electrical games are those, that depend on electrical mechanisms.
c. Electromechanical games are those that depend on electrical mechanisms and the use of one's muscle force.
d. Electronic games are those, that depend on both electrical-electronic mechanisms and software.
e. Entertainment technical games are those, whose result depends exclusively on the ability and skill of the
player, and are used solely for entertainment.

The category (e) also includes all card games which had been characterised as
"technical" games, according to the statement of law F.E.K A21.

Article 2
Game prohibition
1. Operation and installation of any game of type (b), (c) and (d) of Article 1, including computer games,
placed in public places such as hotels, cafeterias, organization halls and in any other public or private
place, is prohibited.
2. Operation of games of type (e) is allowed in devices of type (a). Regarding these games, it is prohibited to place bets.
Such bets will attract penalties described in Articles 4 and 5.

Article 3
Internet cafes
The prohibition of using computers described in Article 2 does not affect internet cafes, as long as the computers
are not used for any gaming activities.

To be able to run an Internet cafe, a special permit is required from the municipal or the state where the
company is based) and from its starting point (port) if it is a boat based company. According to the first
application of this measure, the company should be equipped with this permit in three months
from the issue date of this law.

Article 4
Criminal sanctions
1. Any persons who manage or depend on centres or other places as described in paragraph 1 of Article 2
where games prohibited by the previous Articles are in use or even exist, will be penalised with at least
three months of jail plus a fine of at least 5,000 Euros. If this offense is repeated, the penalty will be at least
one year of jail plus a fine between 25,000 and 75,000 Euros. The court will also command the confiscation
of all those games.
2. The orders for the games of type "c", in paragraph 1, paragraph 3 and 4 of Article 7 of the coded command
29/1971 are followed accordingly.

Article 5
Administrative sanctions
1. Apart from the criminal sanctions, if it is found that a prohibited game, according to the commands of the previous
articles, there will be a fine of 10,000 Euros for every such game and permanent taking away of the business
license, according to the orders of Article 7.
2. The fine will be based on the decision of the corresponding authority, in paragraph 1 of Article 6, who had
found the violation. In this decision the violation will be described, the fine will be underlined, as well as the
order in use. Together with this decision, a copy of the violation report will be notified towards the violator.

Article 6
Report of confirmation of violations
1. The police authorities are responsible to enforce this law. The port authorities are responsible for boats
traveling domestically, and for any other boats staying at the corresponding port.
2. If the authorities for the "body for fighting financial crime" find violations of the law for the games, they
will impose the sanctions and will proceed to actions described in the previous article.

Article 7
1. The terms, conditions, procedures and permits for Internet companies are determined by the common decision
of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Public Order
and Ministry of Trading.
2. A similar decision establishes the authority which enforces the taking away of business licenses, the
procedure of taking it away as well as any other necessary details for applying the orders of this law.

Article 8
Tax returns
Whoever has already paid " tax for running businesses with entertainment technical games" for 2002 for
electronical, electrical or electromechanical games, will have their tax returned corresponding to the time
of the publication of the law in the Government's Paper until the end of the year. No returns will be made
in the case of violation of the law for games and there is no awaiting court case in front of the Committee
in paragraph 4 of article 15 of law 2753/1999 (FEK 249 A').

Article 9
Maintained and transitive orders
1. With the orders of this law, there are no complications with the orders of the law 2206/1994 (FEK 62 A')
as well as the rest of the orders regarding casinos.
2. From the start of the enforcement of this law, the three-member game committees which are established by
the orders in paragraph 4 of article 15 of law 2753/1999, cease to exist. They will still exist though, until the
finish of check up of the game machines that had
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5. 9. 2002 11:04
Jak to chteji realizovat ?
Je absolutne technicky nemozne neco takoveho realizovat v praxi. Zakaz her by sel mozna podchytit v roce 1980, ale v soucasne dobe se v kazde zemi vyskytuji miliardy kopii her a to jak v hardwarove tak softwarove podobe. Spis to dopadne tak, ze dojde k par exemplarnim odsouzeni (podobne jako u nas dostal ten kluk osm let za nabizeni marihuany nezletilym) a nacerno se bude parit dal. Taky bude rozdil v tom, jestli bude zakazano hrani a nebo vlastneni her. Vzdyt na kazdem kompilacnim CD se softwarem je nejmene jedna hra, jak by pak kopie her likvidovali ? Nikdo prece nevyhodi legalne zakoupenou sbirku software (o nelegalne porizenych CD nemluve). Nebo chci videt, jak nekdo vyhodi (popripade odevzda dobrovolne policii) nove zakoupeny Playstation.
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5. 9. 2002 9:54
A já myslel, že Řecko je civilizovaná země a né "banánová republika"
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5. 9. 2002 9:37
Nikdo to dodržovat nebude...
...a v celém Řecku se začne ve velkém rozšiřovat PGPDisk :-)))
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5. 9. 2002 9:10
Tak to jsou teda zakázaný i hry typu mladý elektrotechnik se zaroveckama a vypinacema. Jeste, ze maji poslanci imunitu
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4. 9. 2002 21:25
To, ze je to hovadina (zakazovat hrani her) snad neni potreba zduraznovat. Akorat by me zajimalo, co jeste neni hrani a co uz jo - co treba naky flashovky na netu nebo interaktivni filmy? A co treba (ne)oblibene sms-hry? Urcite by se toho naslo vic, ale nechce se mi premyslet:)
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